Update: Casino no longer an option in Irving

March 21, 2025

Staff Report

The Irving City Council held a marathon 7-hour meeting on Mar. 20.

With more than 170 people signed up to speak during the meeting, most of them expressing their wishes that the Las Vegas Sands Corporation not be allowed to include a casino in its development plans for the former Central Freight site, the council meeting continued until 1:45 a.m. on Mar. 21.

The Las Vegas Sands Corporation stated plans for a possible future casino, destination resort and night club were removed from its development plans. The size and scale of the development were also reduced, and other planned amenities.

State law allows a city council to make a zoning request more restrictive, but not less. 

In the end, the city council voted 6 to 3 to amend the Land Use Designation for Planned Unit Development (PUD) 6, Tract A, Sectors 1 and 2 from Transit-Oriented Mixed-Use Community to High Intensity-Mixed Use.

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