Coppell stormwater fee increase to be seen on October utility bills

by SOURCE City of Coppell

Coppell—As a reminder, all Coppell residential and commercial properties will see an increase in the monthly stormwater fee reflected on their October utility bills. Beginning Oct. 1, the stormwater fee for residential properties will increase from $4 to $5 per month, and fees for commercial properties will range from $10 to $1,500 monthly, based on square footage of impervious (hard, nonporous) surface, such as parking lots and driveways.

All properties contribute to stormwater runoff, and all owners of developed property in Coppell are charged a stormwater fee. Larger, commercial properties with more impervious surface area contribute more runoff than a residential lot. The commercial fee is proportionally higher based on the square footage of hard, nonporous surface, which is measured by digitized aerial photography.

This increase is based on Section 9-22-5, Drainage Charges, of the City of Coppell’s Master Fee Schedule. Ordinance No. 2001-1070 established a stormwater fee for all properties in Coppell in 2004. Over the years, the number of commercial properties and drainage infrastructure increased, but the stormwater fee remained the same.

In 2018, the city of Coppell worked with a third-party consultant to conduct a comprehensive study of the City’s stormwater drainage system to determine maintenance and operational needs along with associated costs. A tiered rate model, which gradually increases stormwater fees over a three-year period, was recommended to recuperate the cost to maintain and improve the stormwater system. In March 2020, the City Council approved an amendment to Ordinance No. 2020-1529 “Municipal Drainage Utility Systems” to increase the stormwater utility fee based on the recommended tiered rate model.

The tiered rate model took effect Nov. 1, 2020, and rates have increased annually as a result. The increase that will take effect Oct. 1 represents the final scheduled stormwater increase associated with the tiered rate model.

If you have questions, please contact the Public Works Department at 972-304-3679.

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