Parents rank librarians as trustworthy
The "Public Libraries and Book Bans - Parent Perception Survey" gathered insights from 1,527 parents and guardians with children under 18 in two surveys during October and November 2023. The surveys asked parents and guardians about their perception of librarians' trustworthiness as professionals and curators of a library collection. The results are detailed in a new report from EveryLibrary Institute and Book Riot.
Top-level findings are:
An impressive 92 percent of parents, grandparents, and guardians trust librarians to curate appropriate books and materials.
90 percent of parents report being comfortable allowing their child to select their own materials and 96 percent feel their children are safe within the library.
83 percent agree that librarians know what books children would love; 77 percent agree that librarians are friendly and approachable; 77 percent agree that librarians make the library a place for fun and creativity; and 85 percent agree that librarians support children’s learning.
91 percent of parents and guardians say that they trust public librarians and 86 percent find school librarians trustworthy.
Parents are of mixed opinion on whether they think public librarians have a political agenda:
Yes, and they should = 35 percent
No, but they should = 9 percent
Yes, and they should not = 12 percent
No, and they should not = 44 percent
85 percent of parents report being satisfied or very satisfied with librarians.
The survey results demonstrate that librarians in schools and public libraries are trusted by families of various backgrounds and income levels and are valued in society. Librarians are valued in society and are central to education and communities. They foster safe, engaging environments that support learning and creativity, with their expertise and warmth resonating deeply with parents nationwide.
"This survey shows how out-of-touch politically motivated book banning and censorship groups are," John Chrastka, EveryLibrary Institute executive director, said. "Contrary to the narratives that so-called parent rights groups are advancing, parents across America value librarians' roles in our communities and our children's education. Pro-censorship groups do not represent the vast majority of parents or guardians in their beliefs about librarians, reading, education, and civil society."
"This series of surveys further our knowledge of what libraries are doing right and allows us to see where and how we can advocate for better understanding the roles libraries play in the lives of the average person," Kelly Jensen from Book Riot said. "We continue to be thrilled to see the vast majority of parents think that the public library is a safe place for their children."
This survey is the second in a series of three focusing on parents and libraries.
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