Candidates run for Coppell School Board

April 19, 2024

Rambler Texas Media offered candidates running for the Coppell ISD Board of Trustees the opportunity to write 250 words to explain why they chose to run for the board of trustees and discuss the most pressing issue in the school district.

The unedited responses received are below. If the information provided exceeded 250 words, the response was ended at 250 words.

Nichole Bentley - Coppell Place 6

There are a few reasons why I would like to continue to serve in Place 6. Quality public education is a community builder and has the potential to change the trajectory of someone’s life. In my family, there are many public education educators and administrators. Hearing stories throughout my life of the impact public education makes on a student has made an indelible impression on me which was emphasized by the fact that my grandfather did not have the opportunity to finish high school.

I believe I have added real value to the district for the past six years. With the challenges public education is currently facing, experience and continuity are important. I have a strong desire to help Coppell ISD remain a destination district. I am running to continue serving all students, teachers, staff and the community.

The budget and future financial stability are the most pressing issues at this time.

Dr. Eneida Padró - Coppell Place 6

My decision to run for the Coppell ISD School Board stems from my profound admiration for the families in our community, district staff and my commitment to ensuring a top-notch education for all students. As a parent of a student in the Dual Language Immersion program at Wilson Elementary, I've experienced the dedication of our educators and the rich learning environment they provide.

With a Ph.D. in Educational Leadership and a background as an educator, principal, principal supervisor and, currently, a leader of nationwide instructional leadership academies, I bring a wealth of expertise. I understand the challenges facing our schools and our district, particularly navigating budget constraints while ensuring equitable access to resources for all students. This is the most important issue today in Coppell ISD, how do we make decisions to increase revenue and decrease expenses in the short and long-term.

My platform gives insights as to how I’d contribute to addressing this issue. I propose focusing on improving systems and structures that guarantee equitable support for all learners and educators. By fostering a collaborative community and implementing policies that preserve excellence and celebrate diversity, we’ll sustain an educational environment where every child can thrive.

I am committed to listening to the voices of our community, collaborating with stakeholders, and advocating for positive change. Together, we can work towards a future where every student in Coppell ISD receives an outstanding education that prepares them for success and choice, whether it is in college, a career, and life.