Irving invests in city-owned fiber-optic network

November 22, 2024

Irving—This winter, the city of Irving will begin construction on a citywide fiber-optic network expansion project. The new network will build on the city’s existing 38 miles of fiber to connect all city facilities. Installation of city-owned fiber is projected to save about $355,000 annually, funds that would otherwise go toward third-party internet service providers.

Fiber-optic cables deliver the fastest internet speeds and support the highest capacity of data transport. Expanding the city’s fiber infrastructure will increase efficiency of operations across all city service areas, with the most notable impacts on public safety and transportation services. In addition to accelerated internet speeds, the project will improve the reliability of critical infrastructure, including public safety and public notification networks, and reduce the risk of outages.

The new fiber network will support city initiatives, such as intelligent traffic systems, advanced utility management, public safety enhancements and environmental monitoring systems. Enhanced video security capabilities and expanded coverage areas are expected, which will contribute to advancements in overall safety throughout the city. These improvements will boost the city’s responsiveness to community needs. 

Stronger public Wi-Fi services in parks, libraries and other city facilities will be available following the fiber installation, improving high-speed internet access in underserved communities. 

Estimated to cost $11.69 million in total, the fiber expansion project is primarily funded by the 2021 bond election, which awarded the city $10.7 million for developing, constructing, equipping and improving the city’s fiber-optic network and information technology infrastructure.

The main fiber backbone will be installed in phases across the city with the goal of completing major segments by mid-2025. The project is expected to be fully operational in 2026.

SOURCE City of Irving


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